Noiret Wine Grape Harvest
Come help harvest the grapes that make our award-winning wine!

2024年10月05日 09:00 – 16:00
Hinckley, 2398 Weymouth Rd, Hinckley, OH 44233, USA

Weymouth Farms Red Wine Harvest
First and foremost, thank you to those of you who expressed interest in helping us harvest grapes for our wine. We want to express our greatest gratitude for your help.
We will be harvesting four different varieties of grapes from Saturday, October 5th to Sunday, October 6th. The primary grape will be Noiret, with some Chambourcin, Cabernet Volos, and NY06 as well. We will start bright and early at 9 A.M. and continue until 4 P.M. Lunch will be provided by Yours Truly Restaurant! Any dietary restrictions will be accommodated. If you can make it out this weekend, send us a text to Paul at 216-534-9600 of the days you can come out and any dietary restrictions.
Of course, the most exciting part. Compensation will be two bottles of our wine! You can take home bottles of either The New Black (bone-dry red), Optimism (dry…